Monday, 27 February 2012

So simple, yet so effective...

All you need to make a similar fabric card is:
  • scissors
  • pretty fabric
  • a plain card and envelope
  • needle & thread.
  • cut the fabric slightly smaller than the card
  • stitch the fabric all the way around. You can do this by hand or by using a sewing machine. It really doesn't matter if the stitching isn't perfect...
  • finished! (I told you it was simple didn't I?)

These cards are fun to make and will save you lots of money in the long run.

Have fun!

Saturday, 25 February 2012

A Sunday Afternoon at 'Scott's Landing'

Skimming stones with my nephew Billy...

Laughing with my niece Rose...

Climbing trees with Grandad...

What a lovely day!

Happy Sunday everyone!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Pet of The Week!


Jess, Owen and Isac Matthews, Auckland.

 West Highland Terrier will be three on March 18. Also known as Plumples, Dozer Dog-Face, Flufster, Scraps, Trotsky, Doda, and occasionally "oi! Get out of there!!"

Where did you get him from?
found his pic on trademe as a four week old pup, so we drove out to Franklin to visit him. As soon as he sat in the palm of our hands we knew we had to have him! His uncle now belongs to my mother and they have a great time together when they get to visit.

Favourite food?
Strawberries. Our bird netting is bird proof, but not dog proof sadly!

Favourite place to snooze?
Buried under the duvet at the end of our bed - he thinks if no one can see him he might get get to stay there all night.
Funniest Habit?
Constant licking of the air. He used to lick the carpet, we've trained him out of that one, but now when he's relaxed he will sit in his bed and lick at nothing. It's incredibly annoying!!

(check out Jess's cool blog 'littleclothing'  here' )

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Robots Looking For A Good Home!

First up is 'Bodger'

a cute little Robot looking for a friend to love him. Bodger is house-trained but has a thing for televisions (he likes to take them apart ) so please take this into consideration when finding a suitable spot for him. He also likes to dance and is very good at ....robotics!

Next is 'Rusty'.

Rusty is slightly older than Bodger but also a friendly Robot (although he does tend to get grumpy when hungry) Due to neglect from previous owner  he is a little on the larger scale and will need regular exercise (he may protest at first but will enjoy exercising once out and  he especially enjoys a good game of football)

If you feel that you can give either one of these fantastic little guys a home then please click here  for more information.

Thanking you kindly

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Ready For The Party?

I've been working on lots of smaller original pictures. This one has been finished off with some cute little fabric bunting.

Are you 'Ready for the party?' Measuring (including mount) 20.5cm wide by 25.5cm tall,  $20 (nz) + postage & packaging.

Email me if you would like to buy: (please note, colours are a lot more vivid in the flesh)

Happy Sunday everyone!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

It's New...It's Exciting...It's 'Pet of The Week'

I LOVE animals and I love it when people blog about their pets and I get to coo over the photos.  At the moment I rely on this to get my 'animal fix' as we are not allowed pets where we are currently renting (boo to the landlord! )

So, from this moment on, I am officially dedicating every Friday to our funny little furry/feathery/scaly friends.

Therefore, without further delay I am very excited to give you my very first ...(dramatic pause.....drum roll... raucous applause...)

'Pet(s) of The Week!'
Cocoa & Guido

Kelly - Auckland

Cocoa (Long-haired chocolate point Balinese female) and Guido (Short haired white point Balinese variant ), both 3 months.

Where did you get them from?
Lovely boyfriend who is allergic to cats. He did some research to find a low-allergenic breed, found a breeder with kittens available and then took me on a magical mystery tour to the farm to choose to kitties for my birthday

Favourite food?
Anything that goes at the moment. Guido's favourite has to be whatever is on Cocoa's plate. He inhales his own and then helps himself to hers.

Favourite place to snooze?
On keyboards, especially when you are working; on your lap when you are not; or on the top of their kitty tree when it's hot. Always together.
Funniest Habit?
Cocoa tries to sniff my eyeballs, Guido has a thing for my earlobes!! 

Thank you Kelly, Cocoa & Guido are 2 seriously handsome cats! 

If you would like your beloved pet to be featured on my blog, then please contact me ( with some photos and the answers to the questions above....oooooh roll on next Friday! xxx

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Love is...

Marrying your best friend...

...and knowing that you will be soul mates forever!


Thursday, 9 February 2012

For You, Little Lily!

Here is my latest commission.  She was flown over to the other side of the world and is now happily settling down in little old London.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, 6 February 2012

More New Stuff...

New shabby little door hangers...

I love these and think they will look very cute hanging from door handles or school bags.

I had lots of scraps of fabric so little pin cushions seemed like a good idea...

and here is a pretty bunting cushion to add to my new range. 

Oh and I also made some little gift tags for all my new cushions.

Not bad for a day's work is it?


Saturday, 4 February 2012

Wonder Woman?...she certainly is.

You may remember a while back I posted a super hero picture that Thomas painted for our nephew? Well, that post got lots of attention let me tell you.

One of my lovely friends Shy saw it and loved it. Now, Shy really is a 'Wonder Woman' she recently beat breast cancer and is one of the bravest, happiest people I have ever met she is also one of the best bakers I have ever met...honestly her chocolate cupcakes are out of this world.
Thomas doesn't really have a sweet tooth but after I bought a batch of Shy's cupcakes home he quickly developed one.
So, they struck a deal.... Tom would paint her a Wonder Woman picture and she would bake him a batch of cupcakes.

So here she is Shy, all ready and waiting for you! You better get your apron on...

Thursday, 2 February 2012

New Stuff...

Sometimes, all I want to do is paint, and some times all I want to do is sew. I had a sewing day yesterday and made these cushions to hopefully sell at the market.

I wanted to make cushions for children's rooms but didn't want to use really bright and bold colours. I found these gorgeous fabrics which are more subtle with a bit of an old fashioned feel.  I decided to make a little matching stuffed heart for each one which could hang on a door handle or be attached to a school bag perhaps.

I'll also be selling these through my Etsy shop which will be up and running soon.

Happy Friday everyone!