Friday, 22 June 2012

Little Monsters

I made these two little Monsters for two very special little people

This is little Monster Maeve...

 and this is little Monster Leo...

and here are the real, adorable twins,  Leo and Maeve....seriously, how gorgeous are they?

Maeve with her little Monster! I'm so glad they like them...


Monday, 11 June 2012

Cup Cosies

I'm not one to brag.....

but I'm about to.

I'm not sure what happened to me yesterday, but I had some sort of creative surge.  As you may remember I am fairly new to the world of crochet, so new in fact that I can only do the basic chain stitch (although I am currently in the process of learning the 'Granny Square')

A while back I saw some knitted little mug warmers which I instantly fell in love with. I really wanted to have a go at making one but didn't have a clue where to start.  But yesterday whilst I was watching Ellen, Inspiration struck, right out of the blue. So before I had time to talk myself out of it, I grabbed a mug, my crochet hook, some wool and got started right away.

Now this is where the bragging comes into it. I had no pattern to follow or no example to look at, nope I just went with it and hoped that it would work......and surprisingly,

It did!

and the great thing is that they don't take long to make. I knocked these two up last night in a few hours! are you impressed?

OK, bragging over now, I'm off to attempt to make a tea cosy to go with my toastie little cup cosies...
